Every year, the Vancouver Business Journal’s last issue is a special edition that includes a Business & Economic Forecast for the coming year. This year, we decided to do something a little different and invited business professionals from different industry sectors to write individual forecasts focused on their specific industry sector. This will give VBJ readers a detailed look at the forecasts for each industry sector, specific to Southwest Washington.
I would like to give a shout out and big thanks to the different organizations and business professionals who committed their time and energy to writing these specific forecasts for this issue. In this issue, you will see forecasts for economic development (Port of Vancouver USA); healthcare (The Vancouver Clinic); technology (High Technology Council of Southwest Washington); commercial construction (Southwest Washington Contractors Association); real estate (BIA of Clark County); financial (Sustainable Wealth Management); workforce development (Workforce Southwest Washington); and philanthropy (M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust).
Enjoy, and happy holidays!