Up Close With Kenny Fletcher

Kenny Fletcher

Current job: Owner/roaster at Paper Tiger Coffee Roasters LLC

Proudest professional moment: This definitely happened just recently. Paper Tiger was burglarized in a rash of thefts – window broken out, shop searched and in disarray, money taken. Our community jumped in and let us know we are important to them. So many people came in and let us know they were there just to support us – even those who don’t drink coffee. People bought bags of coffee for friends and relatives. People left a dollar here, $5 there, specifying it was to help with the losses. Compass Coffee held a fundraiser to help with the losses as well. Altogether, we received almost of third of what we lost. The amount doesn’t matter. We were bound and determined to stay open one way or another. But knowing how much our community really wanted us to be here, that is priceless, humbling, motivating and even now, gives us a sense of pride. Our community sees us as a necessary part of the community we are working so hard to help grow. Knowing our community wants us here as much as we want to be here, that makes me beam with pride.

First job: Building houses for my uncle. He was a contactor in California.

Fun fact: I was a personal bodyguard for a U.S. Senatorial hopeful. He did not get the nomination from the party in the end. It was a very stressful year of my life, but a wonderful life experience. Thank you John.

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: Anywhere I can ride my motorcycle to.

Favorite movie: It’s a toss-up between The Boondock Saints, Snatch and The Usual Subjects.

Music of choice: Something with good lyrical content. I’m not into the popular stuff that just repeats the same few lines over and over and over and over.

Favorite place to eat: Don Taco. Love Mexican food in so many ways. I am a sucker for the street style tacos. Well-seasoned meats with a pinch of cilantro and onions. Add your choice of salsa and devour.

Motto/Inspirational quote: Life is like a perfect meal, you have to savor it before it’s gone.

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