Madore: Priority is to simplify permit process, remove business deterrents

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The way to make significant changes, Madore explained, starts with championing county staff to be more responsive, more welcoming and to have a very clearly defined mission.

“It’s so easy to lose track of the mission,” he said. “For instance, I sat through a budget meeting that C-Tran conducted and there was one statement made about pursuing all grants. And I’m thinking, ‘that is the most foolish thing I’ve ever heard.’ It’s like saying money is dog food, and our job is to go get the dog food – to eat as much as you can. There needs to be a strategy and wisdom involved in sorting out which grants make sense for our community, and which ones don’t.”

“Going after the dog food can’t be our driving mission,” Madore added. “Our mission must be to serve the appropriate needs of our community.”

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