A letter from our sponsor

When CEOs and business owners think of ways to promote their business, philanthropy doesn’t usually come to mind. But whether you’re giving large grants to the local library or making smaller contributions to a homeless shelter, the entire community benefits. Philanthropy helps create a community that improves the quality of life for its citizens and local businesses, too.

On a fundamental level, charitable giving allows businesses to make tax deductions. But, with a planned giving strategy, businesses can transform their donations into "social investing" that will reflect the company’s values and goals. This boosts employee morale, helps attract and retain key employees and develops a culture built on shared values. Businesses will also benefit through the opportunities to network and win new sales from other businesses while maintaining favorable relations with current ones.

Clearly, charitable giving results in receiving, too!

We’ve chosen to sponsor Profiles of Giving, the philanthropy special edition of the Vancouver Business Journal in an effort to encourage other businesses to join us in our support of our citizens and the local business community. We applaud the charitable organizations featured on these pages for their passion and commitment to helping others and hope it will inspire the same in you.

Parker Cann
President and CEO
Columbia Credit Union

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