RSV Breaks Ground on Nonprofit Share’s New Facility

RSV Building Solutions recently began construction on a new facility for Share, a Vancouver nonprofit providing services to homeless and hungry Clark County residents.

Located at 2306 Northeast Andresen Road in Vancouver, the facility is approximately 23,000 square feet and will be a combination of office and warehouse space.

“Share is an amazing organization that I am personally very passionate about,” said Ron Frederiksen, president of RSV Building Solutions. “I am delighted that RSV has been able to help it get to the stage where we are breaking ground on a much-needed new facility. As a member of the capital campaign committee, I am eager to help continue to raise the needed funds as we enter the final phase of the capital campaign.”

RSV is working with DSP Architecture and Kramer Gehlen & Associates for this project, which will seek LEED-Silver certification.

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