Reporter’s Notebook

Get the money moving

The Port of Vancouver’s Economy in Motion Symposium is coming up Sept. 26. The event at the Hilton Vancouver is meant to get people talking about the relationship between moving goods, job creation and attracting new businesses to the area.

So let’s start the discussion now. How are traffic congestion and fuel costs affecting your business? Does cash flow slow down for you as traffic slows? As we wait several years to see how the changes to the Interstate 5 bridge will become a reality, what are some ways to increase freight mobility in the area?

A great place to learn more about this stuff is at the monthly meetings of the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council…if you’re into meetings (and I know some of you really are!). The meeting schedule and minutes are available at

Post your thoughts on the issue on this site or send them to me at

Details on the Economy in Motion symposium are available through Katy Brooks at the Port of Vancouver, 360-992-1128 or

–Charity Thompson

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