From the List: Dental Care Providers

What are the largest dental care providers in Clark County? We ranked them by number of FTEs. Figures as of 7/15/2015.

The top five are:

  1. Kaiser Permanente Dental: 115 FTEs; 20 dentists
  2. Wendel Family Dental Centre: 55 FTEs; 7 dentists
  3. Cascade Dental: 50 FTEs; 12 dentists
  4. Adventure Dental: 29 FTEs; 4 dentists
  5. (TIE) Dentus Dental Care: 13 FTEs; 2 dentists; New Day Community Dental Clinic: 13 FTEs; # of dentists ND

To view the rest of Clark County’s largest dental care providers, check out the August 21, 2015 edition of the Vancouver Business Journal. The list includes specialties, top local executive information and more. Institutions that do not respond to list questionnaires are not included.

Our annual Book of Lists is also available in print or electronic form here. Individual industry lists can be purchased in Excel form by contacting the VBJ at 360.695.2442.

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