Up Close with Matt Bisturis

Current job: Attorney at Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt in our Vancouver office. I practice primarily in the area of business and real estate transactions. The best part of the job is getting to work with businesses and their owners and help to solve their problems and achieve their goals.

Proudest professional moment: Receiving the General George C. Marshall Public Leadership Award in 2014. It was truly an honor to have been selected, and it was amazing to see my friends, family and colleagues there to support me.

First job: Golf Caddy. There is something to be said for working outside during the summer.

Fun fact: We have a 16-month-old daughter at home. Being a dad has been more fun than I ever expected.

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: These days it would be cooking a nice dinner and playing at home with our daughter. For a date night, we love heading to Cinetopia to catch a movie in the Living Room theatre.

Favorite movie: That’s a hard one. I like the James Bond movies. The recent one, “Skyfall,” was pretty good as far as the newer Bond flicks go.

Music of choice: Classic Rock is tough to beat… although we’ve been listening to a lot of Raffi with the kiddo so those are the tunes that keep getting stuck in my head these days!

Favorite place to eat: Lapellah – they have the best happy hour in town. Dining on the patio at Beaches on nice day is pretty amazing too.

Motto/Inspirational quote: Work hard/Play hard.

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