Up Close With Marnie Farness

Current job: Relationships & Strategy Manager, Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC).

Proudest professional moment: At one point, I thought I wanted to go into teaching (I’m married to a wonderful teacher), but eventually I came to realize my aptitude was more geared toward business. So, after several years in public service, I shifted my focus and began working in banking compliance. Eventually, I decided to blend my human service work with the banking experience I had acquired, which led me to spend the next four years as a part of the Business Solutions team at WorkSource, working with a variety of businesses and community partners. Looking back, following my gut was the right decision for me (I highly recommend it)!

First job: Early in high school, I volunteered more than 1,000 hours at Adventist Medical Center. Later, they hired me as a patient tray line worker and dishwasher. That experience taught me to power through situations that are sometimes unpleasant (imagine Lucille Ball’s famous chocolate factory episode).

Fun fact: A few years ago, my husband and I bought a 1920s home in the Hough neighborhood. As I’m sure you can imagine, we almost always have some sort of home improvement project happening.

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: During the summer months, my husband and I love spending time together by our backyard fireplace. You might also find us hanging out watching Netflix or catching up with friends. No matter what, wine is usually a part of our Saturday night ritual.

Favorite movie: There are lots of favorites for me, but I have a special appreciation for Boyhood, by Richard Linklater.

Music of choice: I have been known to listen to almost anything (but country is not usually on my list).

Favorite place to eat: We often head to Trap Door and order dinner from one of the food trucks, but sometimes we change it up and make our way to La Bottega.

Motto/Inspirational quote: My favorite saying is by Mark Twain: “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”

Joanna Yorke is the managing editor of the Vancouver Business Journal. She has worked in the journalism field since 2010 after graduating from the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University in Pullman. Yorke worked at The Reflector Newspaper in Battle Ground for six years and then worked at and helped start ClarkCountyToday.com.

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