Up Close with Kris Goff

Current job: Vice president/Director of finance and administration for the Humane Society for Southwest Washington. The Humane Society for Southwest Washington is dedicated to fostering a community where all companion animals are treated with compassion. We enrich the lives of families and our community through adoption services, medical care, humane education, and by inspiring citizen involvement.

Proudest professional moment: This is more of a team professional moment. While relocating our ReTails Thrift Store, all of the management worked the entire Labor Day weekend, painting, moving and getting the store ready for its grand opening. It felt great to see how awesome the store looked and knowing that as a team we could accomplish anything.

First job: Burger King. I started in the “chicken” sandwich area and worked my way up to drive-thru, which I really enjoyed. You were able to interact a little more with people.

Fun fact: I have been riding horses most of my life. In the last six months, I have decided to follow a very old dream to barrel race, and I am now learning a whole new discipline in horseback riding and training with a great trainer. Proves it is never too late or you’re never too old to learn something new.

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: With my husband, Dan Goff, either sitting on our back deck with an adult beverage or babysitting our “grandgirls.” He is my best friend and I just enjoy being with him.

Favorite movie: “Pretty Woman” – it’s just one of those great feel good movies!

Music of choice: 70’s Rock, of course 80’s and country are my favorite, but I enjoy great music and will listen to most all genres.

Favorite place to eat: We love to support the local restaurants, some of our favorites are, Prairie Tavern, South Pacific Café and Lounge, Mill Creek Pub and Main Event

Motto/Inspirational quote: We have two choices, either wake up with a smile or a frown!

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