Up Close With Jess Columbo

Current job: Consultant, Digital Marketing and Crisis Communications

Proudest professional moment: The first time I told a young woman, who was interviewing for a freelance role on my team, that she should raise her rates. I’ve been doing that ever since, even when it costs me more as a hiring manager/business owner. Womxn: Please charge more. You’re worth it.

First job: I was a (very bad) burrito-roller at a fast-food restaurant in East Vancouver. A humbling experience! 

Fun fact: I volunteered as Santa’s helper at community holiday events growing up, handing out gifts to kids and families. My little elf resemblance was pretty uncanny.

Favorite way to spend a Saturday night pre-COVID: Dinner and drinks with friends.

Favorite way to spend a Saturday night during COVID: Good take-out and bad TV.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, local businesses that you have been trying to give some extra love/business to: So many! Ware Ceramics. Grate Company. The Yo! Store. Aesthete Tea. East Fork Cultivars. Age to Come Apparel. Honeybee Lemonade and Syrups. Landmass Wines. Felton & Mary’s Artisan Foods. Powell’s. Mom & Pop Wine Shop.

Favorite movie: Hard to pick a favorite. I have eclectic taste…Love and Basketball. Gladiator. A League of their Own. Super Troopers. Con Air.

Music of choice: Motown or Reggae.

Current favorite place to get takeout/delivery: Nonavo Pizza in downtown Vancouver. Local, farm fresh ingredients, unique and delicious options for vegetarians like me.

Motto/inspirational quote: “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” -Vince Lombardi

A lifelong resident of the Pacific Northwest, Brooke Strickland is a full-time freelance writer that specializes in writing blogs, website content, and business news for companies & publications around the country. She is also the co-author of Hooked on Games, a book about technology and video game addiction.

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