Up Close with Gary Bock

Current job: Business Development at Smith-Root Inc., a local manufacturer of fisheries conservation technology. We build products that allow fish biologists, managers and aqua culturists to do their work more effectively.

Proudest professional moment: Landing the job at Smith-Root!

First job: Paperboy for the San Gabriel Valley Tribune in Walnut, CA. It was like having a business. I had to fold the papers, deliver them and collect from each customer every month. Seven days a week and you had to find a substitute if you went on vacation.

Fun fact: I co-host a video blog called the Vancouver Side (www.vancouverside.com) that features organizations, events and activities in Vancouver and Clark County.

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: I love the night life in Vancouver, but Main Event East has the friendliest staff and best atmosphere.

Favorite movie: “The Princess Bride.” How can you go wrong with swordplay, giants, adventure, pirates and a little kissing?

Music of choice: I love all the old rock and roll I grew up with, but I’m always listening to new things. I attend many concerts every year that include national, local and unknown acts. Live music is a passion.

Favorite place to eat: Christine’s on Evergreen for breakfast, Tommy O’s for lunch and about a dozen local hangouts for dinner. Don’t forget happy hour: Beaches, McMenamin’s, Top Shelf, Frontier Public House, Brickhouse, Low Bar…

Motto/Inspirational quote: “If you’re not living on the edge, you’re taking up too much space!”

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