Up Close With Elizabeth Dickman

Current job:  Owner/Therapist at Steady Ground Counseling PLLC

Proudest professional moment:  What I love about my work is that it is grounded in other people’s success. I’m lucky because I get to experience my proudest professional moment with each client – that moment when the client realizes their own strength and ability to do the things that felt too hard.

First job, and what age you were:  I had lots of fun earning money when I was a kid, but I think I was 16 when I was hired for my first official job. I sold a seasonal toy that shot a foam rocket into the air at a mall kiosk. I chuckle when I think about it because I was surprisingly pretty good at it.

Fun fact: Sometimes I catch myself thinking in Polish. (I was a Rotary Exchange Student during high school. Thank you again Rotary! It was an incredible opportunity.)

Favorite way to spend a Saturday night pre-COVID: My answer would be way more interesting if it was my favorite way to spend a Saturday night pre-KIDS. But keeping within the past decade, my favorite way to spend a Saturday night pre-COVID was definitely time with my family, watching a movie or doing an art project. 

Favorite way to spend a Saturday night during COVID: Is it too honest of me to say, locked in my bathroom, alone? I love my family and absolutely cherished the time we have had together during the lockdown. I also realized how much I love and cherish a bit of time on my own. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, local businesses that you have been trying to give some extra love/business to:  I joke that our family single handedly kept every restaurant we could open during the lockdown. Over the past few months though I’ve focused more on our Main Street restaurants, like Bleu Door, La Bottega, and Uptown Barrel. I’m also committed to doing as much shopping at Kazoodles Toy store as humanly possible. The legacy that the new owner has worked so hard to uphold deserves all our support.

Favorite movie: It’s a close tie between Pump Up the Volume and Antonia’s Line. 

Music of choice:  All the music. All the time. Or John Prine, Cowboy Junkies, or the sound of my kids making fun of my singing.

Current favorite place to get takeout/delivery:   Bleu Door has ruined me with their Thai noodle salad.

Motto/inspirational quote: “If you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.” (And if you could use a rope, call a therapist)

A lifelong resident of the Pacific Northwest, Brooke Strickland is a full-time freelance writer that specializes in writing blogs, website content, and business news for companies & publications around the country. She is also the co-author of Hooked on Games, a book about technology and video game addiction.

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