Up Close With Derek Nesland

Current job: President of Courts for Kids

Proudest professional moment: Taking our boys (ages 8 and 6) on their first Courts for Kids trip to Nicaragua this year and realizing my oldest son outworked me and my youngest son was a far better cultural ambassador. Watching them work alongside and then play different sports with the local kids was about as good as it gets.

First job: Stuffing envelopes so I could play in basketball tournaments.

Fun fact: I met my future wife, Selene, at our high school prom. She went to Prairie. I went to Evergreen and she went with my best friend to prom. When I bought the tickets, I didn’t know her last name, so I said ‘Dion.’ So I technically went to prom with Celine Dion and met my future wife, all in one night.

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: A good restaurant with good friends… or wherever my two boys have dragged me to.

Favorite movie: I’m a fan of documentaries as well as movies based on true stories.

Music of choice: Mumford and Sons and the Lumineers.

Favorite place to eat: In Vancouver, Abhiruchi Indian Cuisine and Taste of Sichuan. In Portland, Selene and I are working our way through Eater’s 38 essential Portland restaurants with some friends. Some of our favorites are Toro Bravo, Smallwares, Apizza Scholls – I could go on. I love all types of food.

Motto/Inspirational quote: This quote sums up why we take students to the developing world: “We all have what has come to be called our cultural blind-spots. However rich it might be, no single culture embodies all that is valuable in human life and develops the full range of human possibilities. Only when I am deeply exposed to another cultural tradition and community do I become aware of my own; my imagination is stretched as I am forced to rethink my own in the light of another way of life, and I come to cherish what is good and challenge what is bad or ugly.” – Vinoth Ramachandra

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