Up Close With Deb Belden

Current job: I own both Farrar’s Bistro and Sixth Avenue Bistro. We opened Farrar’s Bistro in 2007 and built the menu around fresh, high-quality ingredients from local vendors. Last year, we opened Sixth Avenue Bistro with the same dedication to local ingredients and authentic preparations that highlight the colors, flavors and textures of the season.

Proudest professional moment: I feel proudest when we are able to give to others either monetarily or through mentoring, especially when we can involve the community. I love putting on events like Bingo Fundraiser Night for Open House Ministries and other events that benefit the Vancouver community.

First job: My first job was selling avocados door to door, then a few years later, I sold American Greeting cards door to door! My first “real” job was at a Sizzler, where I learned how to take orders, use the cash register, wait on tables, cook steaks and, of course, clean!

Fun fact: I enjoy kayaking, gardening and coloring.

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: In my kitchen cooking for others. I love to have friends over and cook for them.

Favorite movie: I love all movies that are inspirational and biographies. One that touched my heart is The Blindside, and I loved Julia & Julia.

Music of choice: 70s classic rock.

Favorite place to eat: That’s a difficult one! Since I like to cook I generally go for a good steak house.

Motto/Inspirational quote: “Settle with the past, engage in the present and believe in the future,” and Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the Lord with all thy heart & lean not on thy own understanding.”

Joanna Yorke is the managing editor of the Vancouver Business Journal. She has worked in the journalism field since 2010 after graduating from the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University in Pullman. Yorke worked at The Reflector Newspaper in Battle Ground for six years and then worked at and helped start ClarkCountyToday.com.

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