Up Close with Jenifer O’Neill

Current job: I am the director of admissions and marketing for Prestige Discovery Nursing and Rehabilitation. My journey in the senior living and healthcare industry started when I received my first nursing job as a Registered Nursing Assistant at the age of 16 through the Clark County Skills Center. I left the industry momentarily to raise my children and pursue another career path, which quickly showed me that my heart is for the seniors and our healthcare community. Now here I am 10 years into the industry and I am just as in love with it now, if not more, than I was when I started and I wouldn’t change it for the world!

Proudest professional moment: I would have to say that my proudest professional moment actually can’t be summed up in just one single moment. In fact, I am blessed that my proudest professional moments occur over and over again every day in the faces of my residents and their loved ones. There is nothing more gratifying than the look in their eyes and the sound in their voices, when they give to you their sincere heartfelt thanks for genuinely improving and making a positive difference in their lives. What more could you ask for, than to receive such a gesture of love?!

Favorite movie: I don’t necessarily have a favorite movie, but I am a big 80’s movie buff, so I have quite the collection! The best part is, my kids love 80’s movies and prefer them as well! Score one for team MOM!

Music of choice: Oh boy, my taste in music is all over the board! As a dancer, I express my emotion through music. If I’m happy, it’s upbeat and I’m dancing silly in the kitchen with my kids. If I’m trying to sort my feelings out, it’s something with meaning and a hidden story, which is when you can find me dancing those emotions out in my backyard, barefoot in the rain – those moments are my favorite. Music is my passion and my outlet.

Fun fact: A fun fact about me is that I’m a big goofball at heart! I believe that laughter is the best medicine, and what better way to enjoy it than to be able to laugh at yourself while with those you love? This, combined with my passion for dance, music and the theatre, means that if we ever have to ride in a car together, you will likely find yourself victim of a car lip-sync music video with me (of which a few of you have already been so lucky!).

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: Around the table or around the fire with my three kids, our family, friends and good food!

Favorite place to eat: My home! I love to entertain. With that, I love to provide a good abundance of food (and wine) for my guests, with whom I am always thankful and blessed to be surrounded by! I love each and every one of them!

Motto/Inspirational quote: My life’s ambition is to spread the love I have within myself to others. There’s a whole lot of it that God has graced me with and at the end of the day, if even just one person can say that I have made a positive impact on them, then that is truly what makes my heart happy.

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