Up Close With John P. Greer

Current job: Senior recruiter and talent acquisition manager for Phoenix Industrial, a Vancouver-based industrial contractor.

Proudest professional moment: Taking 1st in my class in Navy and Marine Corps Intelligence Training & successfully starting my resume writing & career coaching business.

First job: Chuck E Cheese Mouse when I was 16 years old!

Fun fact: I’m an avid outdoor primitive survivalist, have auditioned for Naked & Afraid twice. I like to buy weird things like three-wheeled motorcycles and jet-powered surfboards.

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: The woods

Favorite movie: “Heartbreak Ridge,” “Full Metal Jacket” or really any good military flick or a movie that keeps you guessing.

Music of choice: Anything that gets the blood pumping, very mood dependent. Lots of 80s/90s rock.

Favorite place to eat: Home

Motto/Inspirational quote: “We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” – George Bernard Shaw. I also like, “Never could I have known the taste of heaven, had I not swallowed pieces of hell, first.” – ebn

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