Up Close with Andy Silver

Current job: Executive Director of the Council for the Homeless

Proudest professional moment: On March 18, 2013 we opened the Housing Solutions Center, our community’s one-stop access point for emergency shelter, homelessness prevention and housing.

First job: I retrieved the carts from the parking lot at a grocery store. I was eventually promoted to bag the groceries and eventually cashier.

Fun fact: I know Stephen King (his son is friends with my brother).

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: The Brickhouse to watch a Timbers game.

Favorite movie: I don’t have a favorite movie, but my favorite television show is West Wing. In fact, I once moved to Washington, D.C. in part because I loved that show so much.

Music of choice: I like music that tells a story like Todd Snider or Bob Dylan.

Favorite place to eat: Yakuza Lounge in North Portland

Motto/Inspirational quote: You can’t hit the ball if you don’t step up to the plate.

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