Up Close With Missy Fant

Current job: Commercial photographer.

Proudest professional moment: Being able to quit my day job and work for myself.

First job, and what age you were: I was 12 when I started babysitting four times a week for a neighbor. But my official first job was a stocking the shelves at Freed Meyer when I was 16. 

Fun fact: I have a stash of cameras from both my grandpa and great grandpa. I never knew they had them until we were cleaning out my grandparents’ attic.

Favorite way to spend a Saturday night pre-COVID: BBQs and game nights with our friends. 

Favorite way to spend a Saturday night during COVID: Family movie night! 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, local businesses that you have been trying to give some extra love/business to: Craft breweries. With the shutdowns, a lot of them had to switch over to canning and selling out of their taprooms. The smaller ones had to acquire canning machines and self distribute during COVID. So, swinging by and picking up food and packs of beer was our way of saying thanks for being an amazing community. Also, creating media for them to use to advertise to get more supporters in. 

Favorite movie: Army of Darkness. 

Music of choice: I’m all over the place, but alternative, rock and blues is usually found on my playlists and blasting in my studio.

Current favorite place to get takeout/delivery: La Bottega! Either call in and pick up, or stock up my freezer with the goods that they have. 

Motto/inspirational quote: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else, is the greatest accomplishment.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Joanna Yorke is the managing editor of the Vancouver Business Journal. She has worked in the journalism field since 2010 after graduating from the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at Washington State University in Pullman. Yorke worked at The Reflector Newspaper in Battle Ground for six years and then worked at and helped start ClarkCountyToday.com.

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