Strategic Partner Spotlight: Biggs Insurance Services

Biggs Insurance Services has demonstrated its commitment to the community of Clark County for the last 85 years

Courtesy of Biggs Insurance Services

Whether it’s keeping up on policyholder’s premiums, providing business insurance to local small businesses or overseeing employee benefits for their clients, Biggs Insurance Services has demonstrated its commitment to the community of Clark County for the last 85 years.

In 1935, two brothers, Harold and Glen Whitfield, founded the company and set out to make their mark. In 1953, they were joined by Don Biggs, who worked to grow the insurance side of the business. After working in partnership with the brothers for many years, Biggs acquired the agency and created Don Biggs & Associates, now Biggs Insurance Services. While the years have brought significant change to the company, they have managed to maintain a solid reputation for quality and attentive service. Today, there are 54 employees and they have become a staple on Main Street in downtown Vancouver in the old Elks building.

When the pandemic hit, Biggs Insurance Services moved quickly to adapt. They had already implemented work-from-home options before COVID, so transitioning to fully remote work for much of the staff wasn’t too difficult. Through it all, they maintained their dedication to not only their team, but their clients as well.  

“There were a lot of questions surrounding COVID and insurance early on, and we tried to be a resource for our clients,” said Zoe Hovland, executive assistant for the company. “Our life and health department were staying up-to-date on paid leave considerations, and our commercial department was fielding concerns over whether pandemic-related closure claims would be covered, as well as staying abreast of different companies’ premium relief offerings. We counted ourselves very fortunate that we continued to be profitable throughout COVID and didn’t have to face any layoffs or furloughs.”

The insurance world is always changing, and looking ahead, Biggs Insurance Services continues to remain an expert in the industry. Their goal – as it has been for over eight decades – is to always provide the best of the best for their clients through experienced employees and superior industry expertise. 

Looking to the immediate feature, they are excited about partnering with their graphic designer, Blue Blazes, to develop a new logo. They plan to launch it later this summer and will plan on doing ‘swag’ giveaways to promote the logo refresh. 

Biggs Insurance Services is located at 916 Main St., in Vancouver.

Biggs Insurance Services is one of the Vancouver Business Journal’s Strategic Partners. To find out more about our Strategic Partner program and how to become a Strategic Partner, contact Steve McDonagh at

A lifelong resident of the Pacific Northwest, Brooke Strickland is a full-time freelance writer that specializes in writing blogs, website content, and business news for companies & publications around the country. She is also the co-author of Hooked on Games, a book about technology and video game addiction.

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