Quick tools to stay organized in a digital world

Additionally, you can create other labels to file away for future reference. For instance, I have productivity/industry reading, and key information to keep (that traditional “CYA” folder). All you need to do is go into your settings, go under labs and enable smart labels. It’s pretty easy.

Another thing I find helpful for a lot of businesses is Google alerts. This is something that can be used if you want to monitor what is being said about your company on Google, or to track published content based on keywords. You can even track your competitors. Just go to google.com/alerts and follow the directions.

Evernote is another one of my favorite organizational tools. You can access it from any computer, phone or mobile device you own, and it will keep you from losing track of a project, to-do list or industry research you are conducting. And it comes with the ability to upload pictures, audio, PDFs, etc.

Are you trying to keep up on social media? If so a tool I love is Notifier for Twitter – a Google Chrome plug-in that allows you to see everyone‘s tweets that you follow. Just beware, if you are A.D.D. like me you might find yourself mesmerized by the nonstop tweets. It’s easy to get drawn in.  

These tools can help you keep some of your sanity. You may even impress yourself looking at how quickly you can become organized. Remember what they say though; if you don’t start using something within 24 hours of the time you learn about it, it will end up on that long list of to-do’s that most likely never get done.

Monique Rice is the VP Sales/Marketing of Effective Web Solutions, a digital marketing agency in Washougal. She can be reached at 360.562.0535 ext. 112 or moniquer@ewscrm.com.

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