Dana Malone

Current job: Hospital administrator, Mountain View Veterinary Hospital; certified dog trainer and behavior consultant (self-employed); treasurer/board member, Must Love Dogs NW

Proudest professional moment: I have them almost daily; any time I am able to put my energy into mentoring others to do their best, develop their potential and achieve their goals.

First job: Gas station attendant

Fun fact: I claim to have the grace of a ballerina, however, in reality I am about as clumsy as they come!

Favorite spot on a Saturday night: At home with my favorite people, dogs and mini pigs!

Favorite movie: Anything with Doris Day

Music of choice: Country Western

Favorite place to eat: Babes (Ft. Worth Texas)

Motto/Inspirational quote: Put your energy into helping others to do well, by encouraging, loving, patiently motivating and helping them shine as brightly as possible.